When fishing in the Charleston area, anglers will catch their bait before taking it offshore to catch something even bigger. Usually, the best practice is to keep your bait alive. Nothing quite compares to the real movements, colors, and smell of live fish. If your boat comes equipped with a livewell, here are some step-by-step instructions on how to turn on and maintain your livewell. We will be using the 2018 Robalo R180 as an example, but not every boat will be the same.
Step 1: Turn on your raw water
Step 2: Switch the livewell valve on. This will ensure that the raw water flows into the livewell. Most people do not easily see this valve. This can also be slightly difficult to do. Pictured is the valve itself (right) and then the valve switched on (left). There will also be a livewell pump in the middle. This pump is positioned so that the fish will not go down the drain. The pump is also fashioned so that the livewell will not overflow. You will want to keep your raw water running while keeping your bait alive to ensure water circulation. When finished, simply turn off your raw water and drain your livewell by removing the livewell pump.
Of course, most boats are different, but try these steps to get your livewell going. If you are having trouble with your livewell, please don’t hesitate to call our service department at (843) 305-3194.